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Oil spillage  And Gas Flaring   I n Niger Delta Region                                                      CHAPTER ONE Introduction. 1.1   Overview Nigeria has Africa’s largest reserves of oil and gas within its borders and most of these resources exist in the Niger Delta and on the continental shelf of the country. Oil extraction in the Niger Delta has been going on since the 1950s and Nigeria exports around 15 million tonnes of oil every day, ranking one of the top 15 exporters in 2009 (CIA  2012 ). The reserve of crude oil in Nigeria is estimated to be 270 billion tonnes, making it one of the top 10 largest reserves in the world in 2011 (CIA  2012 ). Oil exports accounts for 95 % of the foreign exchange earnings and 80 % of the budgetary revenues. The quality of the extracted oil is considered good, as it has low content of sulfur (0.14%) and a high content of lighter fractions (EIR  2005 ) . The Niger River has a total length of about 4100 km and is the th
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Title :  GROUP ASSIGNMENT 1 CREATIVE SKILLS Due Date : 19/4/2016 Lecturer : MATTHEW WEE. Group Members: ABDUL GHAFOUR ABBAS                              110045416 AMGAD SANGAM                                          110045464 MIOHAMMED ALMANSOURI                           110044221 DICKSON BROWN                                        110044515 ABDUL KAREEM HABEEB                               110043107 Group Assignment 1


1. Tomatoes  + Red + Embarrass. Because he was embarrass his face was red as a ripe tomato. 2. Passport + Education + Employment. Education is your passport to a Satisfy employment. 3. Volcano + Angry + Stomach. Feeling angry is like carrying a volcano in the pit of your of stomach that threatens to erupt at any moment.

Exercise 2. March 15 2006

2 + 4 = Lightening and light The lightening system brought grate flashes of light at the club. 9 + 8 = rain and oil The rain finally wash the oil spillage into the river.  27 + 5 = Tree and Root A fig tree that is withered from the root. JUXTAPOSITION This is me on the left and my inner personality on the right, am always changing direction as shown on the pic whenever i have a set goal to achieve. the spear and bow-arrow totally describe my strategy i applied to achieve my goals in life, if one strategy fails like holding the spear as shown in the pic, i change to a new strategy by using the bow-arrow (archery), this is like a metaphor of how my mind solve my puzzle, i first think one way if it fails then i use a different approach.